Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Can we just fast forward to July 2012 already??

     Oh, man.  Its coming. The final installment of the Batman Trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, hits theaters July 2012.  Its gonna be good!
     They, and by 'They' I mean the Batman movie gods, previously released this picture of Bane, the main villain as played by Tom Hardy.  Bane of course is the first man to ever physically defeat Batman.  It was during the Knightfall storyline in the comics, which ran form 1993 to 1994.  Bane, the criminal genius that he is, knew that attacking Batman in a direct assault in his city, Gotham City, was suicide.  Bane would most likely lose that fight.  He realized that in order to definitively defeat Batman, he would have to wear him down.  Bane set on his master plan to steal tons of explosives and destroy Arkham Asylum, where most of the super-villains Batman has caught are housed.  With all the super-villains set free, Batman had to re-capture dozens of inmates.  He went weeks with barely any sleep or food.  And one night, as Batman had returned from his patrol, exhausted beyond belief, he found Bane waiting for him at Wayne Manor.  They fought right into the Batcave and it was there, that Bane hoisted Batman above his head and drove him down on his knee, shattering his spine.

     Bane was since known throughout the world and comic book history as, "The Man who Broke the Bat."  I have always loved this story because it shows that even though Batman is the World's Greatest Detective, a master martial artist, an escapist, and an Olympic-level athlete, he is still human.  He has his limits.  Just like anyone, he needs rest.
     I don't really see the upcoming movie, The Dark Knight Rises, breaking Batman's back, but I predict that he'll get more torn up than usual because it is the finale of the trilogy.  I think director Christopher Nolan has a good understanding and respect for the source material.  I trust that he will portray Bane accurately unlike the 1998 film Batman and Robin where Bane is basically a mindless drone who grunts, as opposed to the criminal genius he is in the comics. 
     This movie is gonna be awesome!  Can.  Not.  Wait.


A Precedent for the President

Amendment XXV

     A little interesting piece of trivia: on this day, July 13 back in 1985, George H.W. Bush became the Acting President of the United States for one day when President Ronald Regan had to undergo colonoscopy.  Regan thought about invoking Section 3 of Amendment XXV which deals with the Vice President becoming President in the event of the President's resignation, injury, or death.  While Regan wished to transfer power to Bush, he did not want to set a precedent binding his successor.  As a result, Regan drafted and processed a letter that authorized the transfer of power but left out any reference to Section 3 of Amendment XXV. 
     This actually makes a lot of sense as the President Elect is usually a middle-aged man in his late 30s to 50's, which around the age when a man is encouraged to have a colonoscopy to remove any polyps or masses.
     Another cool point is that Section 4 of Amendment XXV states that should the Vice President and the majority members of the Cabinet deem the President incapacitated, they could then transfer the Presidential powers to the Vice President on a temporary condition.  This is the only section never to have been invoked.  Its nice to know that Congress has contingencies.

Monday, July 11, 2011

7-Eleven: Free Slurpee Day!!
  Today, July 11th, should be national holiday.  It is on this day, every year, that 7-eleven offers any and all customers a free slurpee.  This is not a new idea; this event has been going on for the past 9 years.  To the casual observer, giving away gratis slurpees to the thirsty public at large could seem problematic, and damaging to 7-eleven's revenue.  But according to the above article, "they sell enough Slurpees each year to fill 12 Olympic-sized swimming pools. It sounds like they can afford it." 
     Even more than the 75th birthday of 7-eleven, what today is about, above all else, is getting free stuff.  Honestly, who doesn't love free stuff??  Its the little victories in life that matter.
